Highburton C.E. First Academy

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* We aim to ensure that all children attend school regularly and on time to enable them to take full advantage of the educational opportunities available.

* Regular, punctual attendance is valued and positively encouraged for all of our pupils.

* Attending school regularly and on time has a positive impact on learning, progress and therefore the best life chances for pupils.

* Research shows that attendance and punctuality are important factors in school success. At Highburton First School we expect all children to achieve attendance that is at least 96%.

* It is important that pupils are punctual so that they do not miss out on the beginning of each school day. Children must attend on time to be given a present mark for the session.

* If a pupil arrives late to school every-day, their learning begins to suffer. Below is a graph showing how being late to school every-day over a school year adds up to lost learning time.

* Children arriving late for school have to report to the school office. The registers are monitored daily to identify pupils who are arriving late and regular late arrival for school will be challenged as not acceptable.

* School will monitor attendance closely and raise concerns with parents where necessary.   

* We also reward children with good attendance in school. Children are congratulated in assembly and praised for being part of the best class for attendance on a weekly basis.