Highburton C.E. First Academy

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Association for Physical Education (afPE) Quality Mark for Physical Education, School Sport and Physical Activity – with Distinction


We are delighted to announce that we have been awarded the Association for Physical Education (afPE) Quality Mark for Physical Education, School Sport and Physical Activity – with Distinction – for demonstrating outstanding provision, commitment and improvement in Physical Education, School Sport and Physical Activity.

Following afPE’s recent validation visit, the awarding committee have presented us the highest level of the award in recognition of outstanding practice.

 The awarding panel and visiting validator were particularly impressed with the following:

  • There is a clear vision for PE and the impact it should have on the pupils…my discussions with the pupils highlighted what 'well rounded' and confident learners they are.


  • High quality; passionate Leadership and Management of PE within the school.


  • The school is part of an outstanding Pyramid which provides very many opportunities for all pupils; it is totally inclusive and the collaborative support provided within the Shelley Pyramid is both excellent and effective.


  • The curriculum is broad and balanced and there are numerous opportunities in extra-curricular activities.


  • Investment in PESSPA both from the schools’ budget and from effective and sustainable use of the Primary PE and sport premium Funding is considerable.


We are delighted that the school’s commitment to providing ‘High Quality Physical Education, School Sport and Physical Activity (PESSPA) has been recognised in this manner by the professional body for Physical Education. This is the second time the school has achieved the award.





Sporting Events

At Highburton C.E (vc)First School we love competing in sporting events within our pyramid.  The children have the opportunity to represent their school in numerous events including, rugby, football, cricket, swimming, cross country, hockey, netball and sports hall athletics.

Below are some of of the teams and individual children who competed in the events.